Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC)

The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) has been formally created, in accordance with Part 2, Section 3 of the Cayman Islands Anti-Corruption Law (2008), to take responsibility for the administration of the said law. The ACC is considered a vital body for investigating reports of corruption to stimulate accountability and public confidence. The establishment of the Anti-Corruption Law shows the Cayman Islands’ Government’s commitment to recognising the existence of corruption and the necessity of legislative support to foster accountability and deter its continuance. The ACC is authorised by law, and prepared as a Commission, to work diligently with partner agencies at the local and international level as a means in which to facilitate the goals of the Anti-Corruption Law (2008), the OECD Convention against Bribery, and the United Nations Convention against Corruption.

Complaints Commissioner’s Office

The Office of the Complaints Commissioner has been established pursuant to the Complaints Commissioner Law, 2003 with the power and authority to investigate in a fair and independent manner written complaints to ascertain whether injustice has been caused by improper, unreasonable or inadequate government administrative conduct. The Commissioner is appointed for a five-year term by the Governor and reports directly to the Legislative Assembly through the Speaker. The Commissioner has the power to call and examine witnesses and request documents relevant to investigations, including from any Minister, officer or member of a government entity.

Financial Reporting Authority (CAYFIN) of the Cayman Islands

The FRA is the Cayman Islands’ Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) with responsibility for receiving, analysing and disseminating disclosures of financial information concerning the proceeds of criminal conduct, money laundering and the financing of terrorism pursuant to the provisions of the Proceeds of Crime Law (2008) (PCL). The mission of the FRA is to serve the Cayman Islands by participating in the international effort to deter and counter money laundering and the financing of terrorism.

Judicial Administration

The Judicial Administration is committed to fairly dispensing justice in the Cayman Islands and disposing of cases as quickly and efficiently as is consistent with the interests of justice and to providing international legal assistance pursuant to international treaties. The Judiciary is one of three separate arms of Government. Its function is to administer the law independently of the Executive and the Legislative arms of Government; an independence that is safeguarded in the Constitution of the Cayman Islands. The Judiciary comprises several jurisdictions within the hierarchy of the courts: Summary Court, Grand Court, Court of Appeal and Privy Council. Judicial Officers are comprised of the Chief Justice, the President of the Court of Appeal, the Justices of Appeal, several Judges, a Chief Magistrate and several Magistrates. Their website includes publications of judgements and Cayman Islands law reports.


The Ombudsman acts as the independent watchdog dealing with public complaints and information rights in the Cayman Islands.  The Office of the Ombudsman was established when the Ombudsman Law came into effect on 13 September 2017.  The office oversees the resolution of complaints about Government decisions and unfair treatment by Government, ensuring information rights and Government transparency through monitoring compliance with the Freedom of Information Law, and the Police Complaint's Commission which has not yet taken effect.  The Ombudsman's Office has powers in the following areas: maladministration complaints, freedom of information, complaints against the police, data protection, and whistleblowing.

Royal Cayman Islands Police Service / Financial Crimes

The Royal Cayman Islands Police Service (RCIPS) serves all three of the Cayman Islands, which collectively have a population of approximately 60,000. Against this backdrop the RCIPS deals with more than 22,000 calls for assistance every year, as well as proactively patrolling the streets 24-hours a day, seven days a week. Headed by the Commissioner of Police and supported by two Deputy Commissioners, the service is made up of approximately 343 police and auxiliary officers, supported by 64 police support staff and a team of Special Constables. The RCIPS works closely with other agencies both locally and internationally and uses an information management system to log crimes and intelligence in conjunction with various other overseas jurisdictions, including Anguilla, the British Virgin Islands, and Turks & Caicos. The RCIPS Financial Crimes Unit is the specialised unit geared towards investigating financial crimes.